My name is Anthony and I started an Italian and Indian restaurant in Pondicherry in 1999.I ran the restaurant focusing only on other country people who may have come here so far.But all of a sudden the lockdown started on March 22 in India.I expected it to be a month, but several months have passed.
All of the staff who work for me are my children. I was able to pay them for two consecutive months. After that I could not pay.
Then I had an idea. I decided that I could sell the biryani at a lower price using the vehicles I had.I started selling biryani at my restaurant for 220 rupees for 70 rupees a vehicle.
But for me it was a little difficult, but I was happy with it because my people complimented me They supported me and loved me so much.
I decided to serve food at a low price not only to other country people but also to my people.
Now I am happy because I can pay my employees.Now I have decided to do this on a daily basis, ”said Anthony.
Humanity is still on this earth.......
Good person